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 Rules in english!

In jos 

Mesaje : 46
Data de înscriere : 05/02/2009
Localizare : ConStantza

Rules in english! Empty
MesajSubiect: Rules in english!   Rules in english! Icon_minitimeJoi Feb 05, 2009 9:02 pm

However, you may not give XP that is so caught XP has brought the admin
and permanent ban on the server even if you gave 50 to XP that will not
catch you and the others XP for yourself just to have a race LVL 10 to
play with if you have another race in several races LVL 10 means vati Xp
given to several races where permanent ban on the server for you guys to
play the race LVL 10 and playing with others LVL 1 and do not believe that
more grip to do so may XP that will catch you and XP only RunOrSmoke and `0x!g3n
are allowed to give Xp not get sucked hope I do it if you have any questions
about what I said here dati PM (` 0x!g3n)

=== Regulation Players ===

* It is allowed on site !!!!!!!!!!
* Nick links indecent -> 60 min BAN
* I am prohibited by all codes (permanent ban)
* There is no request for admin and slot server (kick)
* There is no claim on the server (kick)
* You can ping with more than 100 (kick, ban between 10 -> 600 min)
* NOT cursing server (Kick / Ban 60min)
* NOT threaten server (Kick Ban 60min)
* Arguments are not allowed on the server (gag, llama, kick, ban 60min)
* NOT allowed to have in the nick name of another server or site. (Permanent Ban)
* Do not advertise on other servers (Permanent Ban)
* NOT comments decisions than the forum administrator.
* CT should try dezamorseze bomb (slap / slay). (unless 1 single player remains more than 4 d and is not sure of it)
* Changing the systematic name is forbidden -> BAN 60-120 min (automatically kick)
* AFK players (who have not made spectators although not at the computer) will receive Kick / Ban 10 min
* It is prohibited in campatul excessive (slay / kick) (and here I mean if ... Terrorist bomb is nepusa and campeaza)
* Nickurile that start with, or contain more than 4 special characters are forbidden (@#$%^&*~`)
* Not allowed excessive reconnect to the server (retry / reconnect) -> BAN 10 min.
* Not allowed reconnect to the server after you took gag / llama -> ban 600min.
* Rule to keep in mind that no comments for awp_bycastor: You may arms!

* In case of serious injured make permanent ban without discussion!

=== Regulation Admini ===

* To CHEAT links of any kind (wallhack, ESP, speedhack, aimbot, scripts, etc ...) -> BAN PERMANENT only demo or attached photos or blind + console.
-removal and ban permanent administrator.

* Order amx_unban is used only with the MasterAdmin
-restraining order to PK / suspend 1 week

* NOT da kick / ban the admin (MasterAdmin only has this right)
suspend-3 days

* NO entrusted the admin to another person

Admins * not allowed to put a player to "forget" after coded unless it is all admin and spectator
-warn/suspend 2 days

* It is not allowed to vote without changing the map, and the vote will only last 5 minutes of the papers in question.
Exception: the constant flood map, less than 10 players, etc.. In this case will soon vote.
supend-4 days

* Maps included in the vote should not include them in the last 2 maps played. If a current map has been played in the last hour, it will change (to vote) in the first 5 minutes.
-warn/suspend 2 days

* The vote will give a minimum of 2 MAPS!
suspend-3 days

* The vote will choose maps based on the number of players on the server ... (eg not to give vote snow when 9vs9 or more, mainly because the maps were not small enough and spawn points players die early round)!
suspend-3 days

* It PROHIBITED abuse orders (amx_say, amx_tsay, amx_slap, amx_slay, etc.) to be in evidence, including floodul with these orders.
suspend-3 days

* Each ban more than 24 hours (1440 min) gave no evidence for the model
suspend-3 days

* NOT pemise arguments between the admin server.
suspend-7 days

Admins * are responsible for the decisions taken just before the MasterAdmin

* WARNING! ACCESS IS PROHIBITED USE IN PERSONAL INTEREST (suffer from it, think gods, etc.).

* Those of Ak-47 Members are also obliged to send pictures made by admin to check their accuracy (in principle should know that the clan ak not playing with codes, but they must follow the rules).

* Registration forum administrator is required!

* Each time ban will be posted on the forum attended by nick, ip, reason and evidence (demo / photos / blind), only banurile more than 24 hours (1440 min) will post the model given 24 hours after the ban.
5 days-suspend

* It is free game, so leave it free (you do not other rules outside of the server):

-> Both teams are allowed to do rush
-> Is allowed to use any weapons except shield on the map
-> Prohibited the T-field which has the bomb, if you are round 1 minutes
-> Prohibited the CT field on a map cs if round are 1 minutes
-> Prohibited any bug exploitation, including mounted on the map

5 days-suspend

Admins * should take care of server (without lag, without cheaters, no spam, no injured, etc.) for each violation of a player will be punished according to the rules.
5 days-suspend

Admins * must follow the rules that players must give their example.
5 days-suspend

=== Observations Admini ===

* If a lower admin admin jigneste a superior he is entitled to amx_gag gives, and if adminul offense is more, he is entitled to give a temporary ban (attention that not every remark is insulting, if you will be sucked ban sanctioned)

* If a player has too few letters in a name or common name that has more on sv can give and not kick / ban you amx_flags will appear Nick VALVE_ID_LAN xxx, xxx find a number that represents userid, please that number and you ban / kick form amx_kick # # xxx or xxx amx_ban minute

* Any admin has the obligation to comply with these rules and to punish players under the rules!

* You may give him another admin ban, if you consider that an admin is coded, take evidence and make the complaint on the forum supported by evidence.

* You must be a civilized wear with everything jucator. Before to apply a sanction (llama, slay, kick, temp ban) warned the player or players and most important: Have your civilized

* Do you have admin, so play with him, do not go to other sites nick hoping to catch another admin making a mistake then post on the forum, do not get anything out of relegation and then suspend!
Sus In jos
Rules in english!
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